Friday, March 26, 2010

Kaizen and the Martial Arts

I first learned about the word "Kaizen" many years ago while reading a motivational book by Anthony Robbins.  Kaizen is a Japanese term that means continuous improvement (within a process or an environment or within all aspects of your life)The Kaizen philosophy has had a tremendous impact in the manufacturing process in Japan but also has relevance to your personal development.

Kaizen in your martial training means that you make small steps and continuous progress towards mastering the basic skills and techniques.  The ability to make small changes that keep you moving forward will help you grow faster than if you try to make broad sweeping changes.  Things like being mindful of your hand position during striking, your heel position during footwork or your weapon chambers during Kali class will have a lasting and profound impact on your future training and abilities.  By focusing on improving your comprehension and ability with the basic skills you will be setting the groundwork for future improvements and leaps in understanding.