Friday, August 31, 2012

Gurhka vs French Foreign Legion

This clip from the now defunct "Deadliest Warrior" examines who will be the superior combatant - The Gurhka or the French Foreign Legion.  Who do you think will be the better warrior?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

"Skyfall" Premiere on October 26, 2012

The release of the new James Bond film "Skyfall" has been moved up to October 26, 2012.  No idea why they did it but I'm not going to complain!


Mastery comes through good movement, good awareness, and instruction.  Too many people think that they need to learn a host of counters to every possible attack in order to be prepared.  This is so far from the truth that it's not even funny.  You need to have a handful of responses that allow you to respond swiftly, violently, and decisively - no more, no less.  The key to an effective response to an encounter is an aggressive offense that is based upon simple, repeatable and effective techniques.  Think about that the next time you are training...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Are You Ready For The Legion?

Sorry, this is not about the lame movie starring Jean Claude Van Damme - it's about the real Foreign Legion.  This is a four part documentary featuring Bear Grylls, along with eleven other volunteers, and his experiences training with them in the Sahara Desert.  They are a tough bunch and deserve the reputation they have created surrounding themselves.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Muay Thai in a Gi?

Actually it's an off-shoot of Kyokushin Karate called Kudo.  It obviously has a strong influence from Muay Thai as well... this ain't your Daddy's Karate! :)

BTW - this is not a bad idea in that it integrates a traditional respect for hard-work and discipline with tested, ring-proven techniques.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Reason We Are Fighting...

I had a distressing conversation the other day with someone who questioned our need to defeat terrorists in general and those who support and provide succor to terrorists in particular.  It seems that this person doesn't understand why we are in the Middle East tracking down Al Qaeda (and other terrorists groups around the world) and bringing them to task for the crimes that they committed and attacks that they are planning today.

I'm sure that if that person were crouched on the floor next to Kevin Cosgrove as the World Trade Center collapsed on top of him that he would have screamed for retribution... don't forget 09/11.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Keep Practicing

I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it a million times more - keep practicing! But not just mindless practice - practice two things: the things you are not good at and the things you are going to need in a fight.  You know what both of these are but many of you are trying to hide behind your strengths and ignoring your weaknesses.  Good luck with that...

BTW -you are never going to be done with practicing.  Get that through your head, swallow that jagged little pill and then move on.  The sooner you realize that you need to continue to practice, learn and refine the basics the sooner you will get a handle on them and get closer to actually be able to use them.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Primal Move Warm-up

Primal Move is the product of Peter Lakatos, RKC from Hungary.  Peter is an amazing athlete, kettlebell practitioner, and a Krav Maga and BJJ practitioner.  The following video demonstrates the Primal Move Warm-up which will help you get moving and help you assess your basic movement patterns and mobility.  Take a look and then give it a try on your own... and don't be surprised if you see this information again (in class).

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Boxing Basics

When Greg Nelson talks I listen and so should you.  In the following video Greg demonstrates some great concepts that you can immediately apply when it comes to your striking skills.  Everything that he says is common sense... and you know how common that is!  Take a look at the video and then the next time you are drilling in class apply these information - it will make a world of difference.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Martial Arts Koncepts Saturday AM Classes - August 2012

Saturday morning classes (1000 to 1130 AM) for August 2012 will be on:

Saturday August 11, 2012
Saturday August 25, 2012

Please mark your calendars now and hold these dates for training. Thanks!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Don't Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight... Really?

I think that this was proven a long time ago - meaning that anywhere within about twenty feet the knife is going to do a devastating job - but it's pretty interesting to see the boys from "Mythbusters" apply a little technology to the situation!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Jason Staham on Training

Jason Statham has starred in three "Transporter" films as well as a number of other movies.  His characters are always very physical and demonstrate an "aptitude for violence", to put it gently. An avid athlete, Statham has been training at a closed gym near LAX that is owned by a friend of mine and his ex-Navy SEAL business partner.  He has been interviewed in regards to his fitness regimen before but this image pretty much sums it up: