Monday, October 3, 2011

Moral Responsibility

I've been asked a number of times over the last twenty years or so to make a video on some of the "darker" skills that I have acquired during my training.  Most of them having to do with the knife and others having to do with quick "take-outs".  I have always, and will continue to, not publicly disseminate this material - ever.  The information was given to me by my instructors because they trusted me to pass it on in a responsible and moral manner.  I have also been asked by several groups (names not to be disclosed for obvious reasons), and offered considerable fees, to teach them knife skills - and I refused because I knew the information would be used for offensive or criminal purposes.  Putting information that can potentially be used against our law enforcement, military or civilians on a venue such as YouTube is tantamount to criminal negligence.  The following video, while not as bad as some that are out there, shows techniques using a knife in a lethal manner against an already defeated attacker (not to mention the "defender" is dressed to appear like he is in law enforcement or the military).  Don't get me wrong - in a life or death situation on the battlefield this is potentially justifiable; it just doesn't have a place on YouTube.