Saturday, July 13, 2013

Convict Conditioning... for Non-Convicts

Convict Conditioning is the name of a book written by Paul Wade, an ex-con and a student of bodyweight conditioning methods.  He has two books out currently (CC 1 and CC 2) and was the author of the Progressive Calisthenics Course given by Dragon Door.  So what does this mean to you as a martial artist or combat athlete? More than you are willing to admit I'm sure...

First and foremost your body is your weapon. If your weapon is dull and stiff it is going to be useless when you need it - kind of like leaving your gun in your sock drawer.  You're weapon is your body and it needs to be honed to a razor edge and the only way that's going to happen is if you learn to use it.  I'm not talking about maxing out on your bench and biceps curls.  I'm talking about learning how to move your body: push-ups, squats, handstands, etc.  Getting the feeling behind how the muscles, joints and connective tissue work together to generate power - you can't learn this doing curls and triceps kickbacks - I know you think you can but you can't.

Take a few minutes to check out this article by Paul Wade and see if the information in it could help you move better and maybe live a little longer...