Saturday, January 7, 2012

Carrying a Knife...

I've carried a knife all of my adult life and for most of my adolescence.  The first knife I was given was a Boy Scout knife, which I still have and will pass down to my sons.  That knife has a lot of miles on it from sitting in my pocket and doing every thing from cutting rope to cleaning fish - it was always there when I needed it.  As an adult I started carrying a host of different blades, usually with a more robust cutting surface and point, but I've always kept either a Boy Scout or Swiss Army Knife close by.  I've been in countless situations where I was the only person in a group that had a knife on-hand when one was needed... and you can imagine the comments I got when I pulled it out.  Most people asked "Why do you carry a knife?" - and I always reply "Why don't you?"

The following story tells how a simple knife saved multiple lives:
A car plunges into an icy Utah River.  The panicked father is unable to get the doors open and get his three kids out of as the overturned van submerges.  Passers-by jumped in to rescue the children trapped in the car.  Former police office Chris Willden used his handgun to shoot out the submerged window glass.  One of the girls had found an air pocket and could breath, for the moment, but was trapped in her seat belt.  Willden used his pocket knife to cut her free and pulled her from the rear passenger window.  Another life saved by a citizen with a knife readily at hand.

For the full story follow this link.